Sharing is caring


Sharing is caring

Sharing is caring

Anyone who shares their knowledge doesn’t make themselves obsolete – as is often feared. Reading or listening to information is far away from applying it; real expertise is only acquired and consolidated by one’s own work, commitment and diligence. That’s why the triscon colleagues are happy to present their know-how on our YouTube channel as well as in various podcasts and expert talks.

Presentation of triscon & Dynatrace @ Software Quality Days 2024

Green Engineering: How to save energy consumption, CO2 and cloud costs by using modern observability tools

only available in German
presented by our Performance Engineer Fabian SEITL and Dynatrace DevOps Activist Andreas GRABNER

Presentation of triscon @ Tricentis Kundenforum 2023

Best Practices and Benefits of Load Testing with Tricentis NeoLoad in the SAP environment

only available in German
presented by our CEO Roman FERSTL

Presentation of triscon & Dynatrace @ Software Quality Days 2023

Observability and its value for modern quality engineering

only available in German
presented by our Performance Engineer Fabian SEITL and Dynatrace DevOps Activist Andreas GRABNER

Interview of triscon & ITERGO @ Dynatrace Perform 2023

Monitoring and Observability with Dynatrace

only available in English
presented by our CEO Roman FERSTL and Head of Service Analytics Dr. Frank MADEJA of triscon-customer ITERGO

Live Demo – Load testing with Tricentis Neoload & Dynatrace Cloud Automation

Experience the consequences of heavy load on IT systems

only available in German
presented by our CEO Roman FERSTL

Good to know – triscon explains

What is load testing?

only available in German
presented by our former colleague Arthur BOUZ

Good to know – triscon explains

What are non-functional requirements?

only available in German
presented by our former colleague Arthur BOUZ

Expert Talk – NeotysPAC 2020

Automated Quality Gates in Performance Testing

only available in English
presented by our CEO Roman FERSTL

Expert Talk – Amplify 2020

Automated Quality Gates with Keptn

only available in English
presented by our former colleague Christian FAUSTMANN

Expert Talk – Keptn User Group

Scaling performance test execution and analysis

only available in English
presented by our CEO Roman FERSTL

Performance & SRE Podcast – Test Guild by Joe Colantonio

Automated Quality Gates in Performance Testing

only available in English
presented by our CEO Roman FERSTL

Podcast – PurePerformance

How to scale Performance Engineering in enterprises

only available in English
presented by our CEO Roman FERSTL

Our partners

Organizations that trust triscon